Slowdown Diet – Week 6
I’d love for you to really focus on your thoughts this week. Don’t worry about whether they are “good” or “bad,” just notice the thoughts and let them be with you for now.
What’s funny is that often the thoughts that come up automatically are usually based on some deep negative mantra we don’ even realize we have. So, how do we identify our core limiting beliefs?
This can be a soul searching endeavor that can take a lot of honesty. Try finding some quiet time to reflect on the question: “what are the deepest fears that drive my life?” I promise you that you will land on some core limiting beliefs – and when you do, you can learn to pull the plug on them by rescripting them into beliefs that elevate and inspire.
This can be hard work, but so worth it.
Please schedule a call with me today to discuss how I can help you with this process.